28 Jul 2017 | 10pm until 11pm
The Cornerstone Building, Liverpool
For the final Indika performance in our late night concert series, Doodles in the Dark, world renowned violinist HN Bhaskar performs alongside mridangam maestro Neyveli Venkatesh. The pair will perform a selection of rich and soulful compositions which will be the perfect finish to an extraordinary festival season. Scintillating violin melodies and the exuberant rhythmic sound of the mridangam combine with perfect precision in the hands of these two musical maestros, known around the world as experts in their fields.
HN BHaskar (Violin)
Neyveli Venkatesh (Mridangam)
(N.B. This event takes place on the same campus as the Indika Evening Showcase/Morning Melodies performances. The Cornerstone Building is located across the courtyard from the Capstone Theatre)