
Uniting Arts through Hearts

Our Teachers: Prashantini Jeyaraman

Prashanthini is a Veena artiste who has undergone training under the tutelage of Sangeetha Vidwan, Smt Sivatharini Sahadevan from the age of eight. With her guru’s support, she has completed a teaching qualification with the Academy of Fine Arts London and has been teaching in London for the past 8 years. She is also a keen Bharathanatyam dancer and completed her Arangetram under the tutelegae of  Smt. Uma Chandradeva. Prashanthini has also completed her vocal and violin diploma under the tutelage of Shri Kutralam Nagarajan and Smt Thilagasakthi Aaramuthan respectively. Prashanthini is also an examiner for a number of examination bodies in the UK, including Academy of Fine Arts London (AOFA) and Oriental Fine Arts Academy London (OFAAL).

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