
Uniting Arts through Hearts

Our Teachers: Ramya Tangirala

Carnatic Vocal – taught by Ramya Tangirala

Ramya Tangirala comes from a well-known family of musicians. Ramya is the grandniece of the legendary musician Sangita Kalanidhi Sri G. N. Balasubramaniam.  Many of Ramya’s students have performed at various music festivals. Ramya teaches vocals online to students all over UK. In 2015, Ramya’s student won the ‘Yogi Maharaj Trophy’ at the Croydon Music Festival, London.

Ramya is a keen painter – in oil,watercolour and Tanjore Art. She has had her art work exhibited in UK. She also plays the Veena.

There are three Carnatic Vocal sessions for beginner and intermediate students and adults. It is an extremely popular art form learnt in India, particularly in the South.  This class introduces students to the concepts of Raga and Tala – the basic fundamental training needed to learn any form of Indian classical music.  Students will also learn about different patterns, rhythms and compositions used in Carnatic music.

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