The second evening concert of the season features the world-renowned Indian classical musician Rajhesh Vaidhya. Rajhesh, a maestro of the veena – a traditional South Indian stringed instrument – is set to captivate audiences with a specially curated set of ragas chosen for the evening.
Milap presents
Rajhesh Vaidhya with Sai Giridhar and Kousic Sen
Saturday 26th October 2024, 7:00pm
The Tung Auditorium, 60 Oxford Street, Liverpool, L7 3NY
Rajhesh’s unique style, characterized by exhilarating speed and the use of electric and amplified strings, has earned him critical acclaim. He has collaborated with illustrious musicians and film composers, including Sir Elton John. Joining Rajhesh on stage are two powerhouse Indian percussionists: Sai Giridhar on mridangam and Kousic Sen on tabla, both known and admired for their ability to elevate any musical performance to new heights.
Event Details
26 October 2024 / 7:00pmVenue
The Tung Auditorium, 60 Oxford Street, Liverpool, L7 3NYTickets
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