
Uniting Arts through Hearts

Ensemble Auditions – NOW OPEN!

If you’re a musician aged 12 – through to a professional level who plays an Indian classical instrument, or who can play Hindustani or Carnatic music on another instrument, then we’d love to hear from you!

A cornerstone of our work at Milap, our ensembles, are ready to return in Autumn 2024! We’re on the lookout for new musicians across England to join us by sending in their initial application for auditions taking place at the end of August 2024.

Please take a few moments to explore the work, music and experience of being in each of our ensembles – SAMYO, Sabrang and Tarang- and if you have any queries about the ensembles or application process, please don’t hesitate to contact our ensembles team at

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Milap > Develop > Ensembles > SABRANG > Sabrang News > Ensemble Auditions – NOW OPEN!

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