
Uniting Arts through Hearts

Ramshanker Sathianarayanan

Milap Ensembles Conductor/Composer

What does a typical day at Milap look like for you?

A day at Milap has never been routine. Every day revolves around exciting and fresh creative, artistic ideas that we brainstorm and then execute.

What is the best thing about working with Milap?

I think that Milap brings to the table abundant possibilities and opportunities for artistic growth and excellence, that enlightens learners and hosts alike.

What are your favourite Milap memories?

The first is conducting my compositions at my first SAMYO concert at The Beck Theatre, and equally my second at The Southbank Centre. 

My second is the exciting rehearsals with the uber-talented musicians of the Ensembles. 

The last is the infinite brainstorming sessions with the core team.

What’s your favorite song?

Milap > About > Our Team > Ramshanker Sathianarayanan

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