Instruments India

Instruments INDIA News

Instruments INDIA News

As part of Milap’s latest venture with Dr Manuella Blackburn, the Instruments INDIA archive will be used as the basis of new sample packs that will showcase Indian instruments.

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New Art School Courses

New Art School Courses

This Autumn we are bringing you a variety of new Indian music and dance classes!

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
The Thillana, composed by Lalgudi G. Jayaraman

The Thillana, composed by Lalgudi G. Jayaraman

On 17 September 2020, Lalgudi G Jayaraman would have been 90 years old. To mark this occasion, Milap, in association with the Lalgudi Trust, has assembled an extraordinary ensemble of Indian virtuosos to record a unique version of one of his masterpieces: The Thillana.

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Milapfest and Hope University Partnership Featured in New Research

Milapfest and Hope University Partnership Featured in New Research

A case study on the Milapfest-Hope partnership was featured in a new report called ‘Building Research Collaborations between Universities and Black and Minority Ethnic communities, released by Common Cause in September 2018.

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Instruments INDIA commission project showcase

Instruments INDIA commission project showcase

Friday 20th January 2017, 2-4pm The Capstone Theatre, Liverpool Free Admission International guest composers from the Instruments INDIA commission will…

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Instruments India Composition Participants Announced

Instruments India Composition Participants Announced

Milapfest-Liverpool Hope University partnership announces the artists who have been selected for the Instruments India Composition Commission.

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Worldwide response to Instruments India Composition Commission

Worldwide response to Instruments India Composition Commission

A new Composition commission project launched this Summer by Liverpool Hope University and Milapfest has received a total of 55 applications from all over the world.

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Instruments India Composition Commissioning Project

Instruments India Composition Commissioning Project

The Liverpool Hope University and Milapfest partnership is looking for proposals from composers to use their extensive Instruments INDIA sound archive for the creation of new music.

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Instruments India

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Mandolin for Instruments India

We're always on the look out for more instruments we can add to the

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