A day at Dance India

Ever wondered what a day at Dance India looks like? Read on to find out!

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Bharatanatyam re-discovered!

Bharatanatyam re-discovered!

Leela Samson’s dance ensemble Spanda offers a unique new perspective on Bharatanatyam. Find out how and why it’s important.

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Raam’s SAMYO Diary

Raam’s SAMYO Diary

It was the first time we met as an orchestra after the amazing SAMYO10 Concert. Honestly, I could not believe it had already been a month!…After a good morning session, we split up into two and worked with Pete Moser (a wonderful Western composer) and Rajeebji. We worked on creating compositions through collective improvisation.

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985

Arts School Summer Term

Term: Saturday 11 May  - Saturday 20 July 2013 Half term: Saturday 25 May Milapfest’s HERE For more information about 

150 150 MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Arts School Summer Term

Arts School Summer Term

Term: Saturday 11 May  - Saturday 20 July 2013 Half term: Saturday 25 May Milapfest’s HERE For more information about 

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
New Shruti for sarod and electronics

New Shruti for sarod and electronics

As part of an on-going collaborative project between Manuella Blackburn and Milapfest, Manuella has been working with sarod player, Dr Rajeeb Chakraborty to develop a mixed electro-acoustic piece for sarod and tape.

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Raam’s SAMYO Diary

Raam’s SAMYO Diary

April 2013 Each month, SAMYO member Raam Jaganathan will be sending us a SAMYO DIARY, and stories of his experiences…

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
TEN by SAMYO, now on sale!

TEN by SAMYO, now on sale!

SAMYO’s second album, TEN, is now available for purchase in CD and digital copy

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