
Indika Garden Party

Indika Garden Party

Outdoor Performances, workshops and food Free admission To celebrate the launch of Indika, we’ve teamed up with Brouhaha International for…

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Raam’s Samyo Diary

Raam’s Samyo Diary

SAMYO members have been busy with exams over Summer, so in May and June there are no formal orchestra events or activities. SAMYO’s next event is part of the Music for Youth National Festival in Birmingham, where the orchestra’s conductors and members will take part in workshops and a performance. In the meantime, Raam shares a fascinating video of a performance he recently found online.

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Samyo @ Music for Youth Festival

Samyo @ Music for Youth Festival

MFY's National Festivals showcase dynamic performances by young musicians from across the UK.  Featuring jazz, orchestral, rock, folk and world, urban,…

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Morning Raga @ Indika

Morning Raga @ Indika

Pandit Ranajit Sengupta sarod Rishii Chowdury tabla Free concert Uniquely, Indian music is played to rāgas (melodic scales), which are…

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Raam’s SAMYO Diary

Raam’s SAMYO Diary

It was the first time we met as an orchestra after the amazing SAMYO10 Concert. Honestly, I could not believe it had already been a month!…After a good morning session, we split up into two and worked with Pete Moser (a wonderful Western composer) and Rajeebji. We worked on creating compositions through collective improvisation.

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
Raam’s SAMYO Diary

Raam’s SAMYO Diary

April 2013 Each month, SAMYO member Raam Jaganathan will be sending us a SAMYO DIARY, and stories of his experiences…

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
TEN by SAMYO, now on sale!

TEN by SAMYO, now on sale!

SAMYO’s second album, TEN, is now available for purchase in CD and digital copy

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SAMYO is recruiting!

SAMYO is recruiting!

If you’re between the age of 10 and 18 and have a passion for Indian music, SAMYO could be just the place for you!

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