Intercultural creativity in electroacoustic music: Integrating Indian music cultural sound emblems into new works

Intercultural creativity in electroacoustic music: Integrating Indian music cultural sound emblems into new works

In 2012, Dr Manuella Blackburn, Senior Lecturer in music at Liverpool Hope University, was awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Early Career Research Fellowship in collaboration with Milapfest entitled: Intercultural creativity in electroacoustic music: Integrating Indian music cultural sound emblems into new works. Find out the latest news in this Milapfest-Hope research partnership.

The research between Hope and Milapfest has resulted in fascinating studies into Indian music, including an award-winning composition and a brand new website, Instruments India. Currently, a new app is in development to further enhance the educational experience. In latest news, Dr Manuella Blackburn was invited recently for a talk at the
symposium on ‘Translating Cultures’ held at Senate House, University of London, on 28/29 March 2014, for projects linked to the AHRC theme.

Invited speakers included leading translation scholars Susan Bassnett, Jean Boase-Beier and Anthony Pym.  The symposium was a showcase for a number of the research networks and fellowship awards from across the spectrum of Arts and Humanities disciplines associated with ‘Translating Cultures’.

For further information on the presentation, take a look at Dr Blackburn’s presentation slides from the symposium. AHRC_London_2014.

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