Begin a beautiful day with a Morning Raga

Begin a beautiful day with a Morning Raga

On Sunday 28 July and Thursday 1 August we’ll be starting the day with a traditional north Indian morning raga concert in the Angel Field Garden outside our venue, The Capstone Theatre.

In the Hindutani tradition (north Indian), ragas are set to a specific time of day when they are believed to have the greatest effect. Whether its to relax or invigorate, the music will set the mood and prepare its audience for the next stage of the day.

At Indika, we’ll be welcoming the day with Morning Ragas by two exceptional musicians, sarod player Pandit Ranajit Sengupta and bamboo flautist Rakesh Chaurasia.

Both concerts are free drop in sessions so please do join us for this rare concert experience.

Fingers crossed for more glorious mornings!

For details of the concerts please visit the what’s on section.

MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
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