February Arts School News

February Arts School News

New Class – Mohiniyattam

Led by Dr Swati Raut, this very popular dance style comes from Kerala and is known as the “Dance of the Enchantress”. Please contact Aditi Sen (0151 291 3649 / artschool@milapfest.com) for more information

Change to Kathak Timetable

Times will now be:

10-11 Beginner/Pre-Grade

11-12 Grade 1

12-1 Grade 2

New Violin Teacher

Violin lessons will now be taught by Olivia Moore. The class times are now 11-1.

Carnatic Vocal Exam

The next carnatic vocal exam will take place on 21st April.

Bharatanatyam Exam

The date of the next Bharatanatyam ISTD exam will be announced shortly.

Arts School Uniforms

It is now compulsory for all students to wear an Arts School uniform. These are available to buy from the Arts School reception.

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