
Uniting Arts through Hearts

Indika 2023— Day 2

2/11/23 - Indika Festival | The actor playing Sita strikes a pose

Thursday 2 November 2023

Day 2 of the Indika festival marked the busiest day yet, buzzing with excitement as we hosted four captivating events across two venues.

Sita’s Magical Forest

The day kicked off with the production of “Sita’s Magical Forest,” an enchanting dance theatre collaboration with our esteemed partners, Apsaras Arts from Singapore. Featuring talented dancers from across the UK, the production took audiences on a breathtaking journey alongside Sita as she encountered wondrous creatures on her quest to find Lord Rama. It was a rare delight to witness an Indian dance production tailored for children and families, and the joy in the room was palpable as children clapped and danced in their seats while parents and grandparents reveled in the unique experience.

“The standard of every Milap event I have ever attended has always been unfailingly world class. I have been performing in and around Liverpool all my life and this organisation is the jewel in the City’s cultural crown beyond any doubt.”

Audience Member

The Sarod Sisters & Kousic Sen

At the Music Room of Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, the stage was graced by the Sarod Sisters from Kolkata, accompanied by Milap’s Artist in Residence and Tabla Maestro Kousic Sen. Their performance featured a sublime selection of Indian classical repertoire, showcasing exquisite evening ragas that provided a blissful conclusion to the day’s events.

“It was a momentous occasion as the Sarod Sisters made their debut performance in the UK, and we were honored to have them as part of the Indika festival. Furthermore, supporting emerging talents like them remains a core tenet of our mission, ensuring that the legacy of Indian arts continues to flourish and inspire generations to come.”

Alok Nayak

Parama Padam By Mohanapriyan Thavarajah

Mohanapriyan Thavarajah presented an evening of solo dance, he narrated the origins of “Snakes and Ladders” through the intricate movements of Bharatanatyam. Transporting audiences back thousands of years to ancient India, Mohanapriyan’s storytelling was amplified by captivating lighting design, leaving the audience spellbound.

“I feel absolutely delightful. Everywhere in the world where we take this production – it is very well received. Presented to an urban audience in a modern world, the themes are very relevant – and it transcends age barriers and other differences that we have. It has been a delightful journey bringing Parama Padam to the UK.”

Mohanapriyan Thavarajah


Milap > Experience > Indika 2023 > Indika 2023— Day 2

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