Arts School Bharatanatyam Exam Results

Arts School Bharatanatyam Exam Results

The results are out for the recent Bharatanatyam exams and we are thrilled to announce that all our students achieved Distinctions and Merits!

A huge congratulations to all our students! Your hard work has paid off.

“It is a matter of great pleasure and pride to know that once again our ArtsSchool Bharatnatyam students have performed brilliantly at the ISTD examinations. The Milapfest Arts School has an amazingly large number of Bharatnatyam students- eight different groups in fact. I would like to heartily congratulate all the students, their parents and our splendid teachers, Dr Swati Raut and Manisha Solanki. We will continue to find new opportunities for development for all these students in the times ahead. Many congratulations again!!!” 

Prashant Nayak, Executive Director

“Its a great news. I have seen every week the hard work of students and teachers too. I hope this footstep will help them a lot in their future Dance career. So proud of them on their great achievements.”

Aditi Sen, Arts School Coordinator


“‘While most are dreaming of success winners wake -up and work hard to achieve it’ Congratulations to all our students who worked hard to achieve such fantastic results.”

Dr Swati Raut

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