Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya and Kousic Sen

Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya and Kousic Sen

27 Jun 2015 | 13:00 until 15:00

The Capstone Theatre

Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya is a highly acclaimed Indian musician, credited with redefining how the santoor, one of India’s most beautiful instruments, is played. Tarun has mesmerised audiences globally with his soulful compositions and unique playing technique, giving his listeners what is at once an exhilarating and tranquil musical experience. The santoor is accompanied beautifully by the tabla, performed by the irrepressible Kousic Sen. Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya will present a contemporary Indian classical music concert featuring specially selected compositions.


(*Book in advance for priority entry into the theatre here)

Find out more about the santoor on the Instruments India website here.

1600 1067 MILAP - Indian Arts & Culture since 1985
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