Sangeet Ratna Award @ Indika

Sangeet Ratna Award @ Indika

Young Musician of the Year competition performance

Milapfest presents the first ‘Young Musician of the Year’ award in Indian classical music – the very first award of its kind in Europe.  The competition recognises and applauds the talented youth who have dedicated themselves to the practice, preservation and promotion of Indian classical music in the UK and beyond.   Six highly talented contestants will perform before a distinguished panel of world class musicians.  The winner of the award will be announced at the end of the evening.

The Sangeet Ratna and Nritya Ratna awards were developed to recognise and inspire exceptional young talent in the UK. Awarded through an open competitive process, winners earn the title; Nritya Ratna, and Sangeet Ratna, respectively for dance and music, a prize of £2,500 to be spent on further training and career development, a trophy and performance opportunities at mainstream UK venues.

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