

First Half 
Arianna Ballabio – Bharatanatyam

Second Half 
Deepti Omchery Bhalla – Mohiniattam

As a recipient of the Milapfest Dance Fellowship, Italian dancer Arianna Ballabio had the unique opportunity to study at India’s most famous dance institute, Kalakshetra in Chennai.  She spent a year at Kalakshetra learning the finer nuances of Bharatanatyam and Carnatic music with some of the finest teachers in the field. She now continues to learn and teach Bharatanatyam in Milan and this evening presents a selection of the repertoire she worked on while in Chennai.

Mohiniattam is arguably one of the most graceful and meditative forms of Indian dance and Dr. Deepti Omchery Bhalla is one of the leading exponents of the form.  Originating in the state of Kerala, Mohiniattam carries a distinct flavour of South India, with sweet melodic music and striking white and gold costume,  resembling what you might hear and see in Kerala.  Deepti has performed the world over to high acclaim and has won numerous awards and accolades for her performances and research in Carnatic music.

Indika Festival Tickets
Single £8, 10 day festival pass £49.50, 5 day £25.00, 3 day £20.00


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